Calypso Cork floors are available in natural shade or choose from a huge variety of colours & designs. Natural Oak & Pearl CheckerboardSilver Grey & IcebergIronstone with Natural Oak & Oatmeal dotsEbony & Snow CheckerboardPistachio with Sahara dotAlabaster MilanSlate MilanRusset / Earthy / River Pebbles Tuscan StyleRioDeep Sea GreenBlueberry MilanCoralOatmeal with Natural ChamferRussettPearlMoss & Meadow CheckerboardPearlEarthy & Black Border DesignSahara / Earthy Heritage StyleIceburg / BlueberryVarious shades from colour rangeOatmealRusset & MossAlabaster MilanIcebergPrinted Design SeriesSahara Shades & BlackHomeshow DisplayHomeshow DisplayHomeshow DisplayAquamarineGalaxySnowfallIcebergIcebergRaffierNatural CorkNatural CorkNatural CorkUltra White and GalaxyChestnut Natural To discuss your colour or design preference, talk to one of our colour specialists today on (02) 6658 7493 / 0488 502 721